Asuransi Sinar Mas Online is an application designed to provide convenience in accessing information about insurance products, purchasing insurance, reporting claims, as well as important information quickly and easily, directly from your Smartphone.
Why should you use Sinar Mas Online Insurance:
Purchase Insurance
can be done directly online without having to come to the Sinar Mas Insurance office.
Access Information
to check your Sinar Mas Insurance guarantee directly and easily.
Ease of paying insurance premiums
through Asuransi Sinar Mas Online has been provided by I-Seller which supports payments via: bank transfer, ovo, gopay, retail outlets and credit cards.
Reporting, filing, and checking the progress of insurance claims
can be done directly through Sinar Mas Online Insurance.
Transactions Purchasing insurance policies through Asuransi Sinar Mas Online
no administration fees
One unified Inbox
for all the latest information notifications regarding your Guarantee, Claim, and Activities at Asuransi Sinar Mas Online.
Ask and answer our customer service via the
Live Chat
service at Asuransi Sinar Mas Online.
Other Services
Your Health Consultation with Simas Sehat Doctor Team, Heart Health Check, Body Fat Check, BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index), Sinar Mas Insurance Provider Hospital List, and Sinar Mas Insurance Branch List.
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#Make it Safe with Sinar Mas Insurance.